Paying for Alzheimer’s Care

Did you know that ‘5 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease, and the National Institute on Aging estimates that that number is going to triple by 2050 — in part due to aging baby boomers.’ (NPR)?

This staggering statistic got me thinking about how many people’s lives will be affected by this disease- and more importantly- how many of them have NO IDEA how they are going to pay for care.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association’s 2009 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures, Alzheimer’s disease triples healthcare costs for those over the age of 65.

So what exactly does that mean?

It depends on what kind of care you need.

If you choose to care for your parent yourself (in your own home), than the costs are minimal. However, many people find they can’t do this alone and feel the need to hire outside help.

For example- if you are a working person and need to leave the house to go to work-  hiring an caregiver to come to your home for 8 hours a day, will cost you around $200 a day. That can add up to $4000 a month.

Another option is to move to an assisted living or memory care facility- but costs here can be double what you would pay at home- many facilities charge a flat rate and then add on costs for the higher level of care.

What appears to be only $4500 a month in rent can easily become $6000- $7000 a month- after all the care needs/ costs are added in.

According to the Genworth Long Term Care Insurance in the state of Washington a semi private room in a nursing home will cost around $88,633 a year while in home services cost about half that. (1) 

What about Medicare?

According to Paying for Senior Care,  “Medicare does not pay for custodial or personal care that is provided in an assisted living residence but will pay for medical care provided in that location.  The same applies for home care and adult day care; personal care services, or assistance with the activities of daily living which is typically necessary for Alzheimer’s patients is not covered but medical care is covered.”

It’s a common misconception that Medicare is going to cover your medical needs 100%. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.

What they will cover is short term care in a Skilled Nursing Facility (or Rehab) ONLY if the person has had a 3 day hospital stay (they must be admitted to the hospital-  and stay for 3 midnights).

Even then, Medicare only covers 100% of the first 20 days, then the coverage drops to 80% for the next 80 days- (which seems like a lot, but 80 days will go by very quickly- people with Alzheimer’s suffer for years) and only if you show that you are making progress- which is basically impossible for someone with Alzheimer’s since Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive illness. This means that the structure and chemistry of the brain become increasingly damaged over time. The person’s ability to remember, understand, communicate and reason will gradually decline. “(

So what can I do?

If you (or your parents) are still healthy- I highly recommend looking into a Long Term Care Insurance plan.

When looking at different plans, do your homework.  Ask around, compare rates and read the fine print!

Make sure to:

  • Look for a plan that covers Alzheimer’s.
  • Make sure the coverage period is long enough to actually help (usually around 3-5 years per person and couples can sometimes ‘share’ the coverage.)
  • Be aware of any exclusionary period – and understand how the days are counted.
  • Inflation protection is a must- the cost of care 10 years from now be the same as it is today.
  • Understand what and how many Activities of Daily Living are required (many policies require the person need assistance with at least 2 or 3 ADL’s)
  • Look for a large company that will still be financially sound in 10 years.

(1)  Genworth Financial

What Friday Night Lights Has Taught me about Dementia

MV5BMTYwNjIyMTYwOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTA2MDU1MQ@@._V1_SY317_CR12,0,214,317_As some of you may know, I’ve been on bed rest for the past month- which as allowed me lots of time to watch TV. One of the shows that several people recommended to me was Friday Night Lights- which is about high school football. Since I am long out of high school, and really don’t have a passion for football, I wasn’t sure what I would like about this show.

Well, let me tell you- this show is about a lot more than football, or high school, or anything even related to that. It’s a show about people- and their lives- however ordinary or mundane they are.

One character, in particular, has really touched my heart. His name is Matt, and while he is the quarterback of the football team, that has nothing to do with why I care about him so much. Matt’s dad is in Iraq, his mother is non existent and he lives with his grandmother who has dementia.

The portrayal of this sweet, young high school boy taking care of his grandmother is one that brings tears to my eyes. He dotes on her, loves her and cares for her in such a empathetic and loving manner that is beautiful to watch.

In one episode,  the Grandma has locked herself in the bathroom and is refusing to come out. She is hysterical, confused and is calling for her husband (who has been dead for several years).

Meanwhile, Matt, is out on a date with a new girl, and his best friend (Landry) is at the house watching over Grandma. Panicked, and unsure what to do- he calls Matt, who rushes home from his date (with the girl in tow).

He goes immediately to the bathroom door and pretends to be the husband. He deepens his voice and calls to her using the special nickname his grandparents used for one another.

The viewer watches as the Grandma visibly calms down, believing it’s her husband on the other side of the door. She even asks him to sing ‘their song’ so Matt starts singing Mr. Sandman and slowly and gently lures her out of the bathroom and then takes her into her room and helps get her settled into bed.

It is an incredibly poignant and touching scene- and one we can all learn from. Rather than get angry or frustrated with his grandmother, Matt meets her where she is. His patience, empathy and love show a great amount of respect for her- and this is something we can all aspire for when caring for a loved one.

* Friday Night Lights is available On Demand. The episode I refer to is from Season 1